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*Lubomír Typlt is born in Nová Paka, Czech Republic

Father Ladislav Typlt (1942–2011) was a trained blacksmith and woodcutter.

Lubomír Typlt was introduced to fine arts by his mother, Jana Typltová (1940), a nurse who liked painting and drawing as her lifelong hobby. Among others, she learned to draw with the sculptor Ladislav Zívr.


The family came into contact with fine art and literature through their uncle Jan Schejbal (1941), a translator from Catalan and Spanish, who translated a two-part monograph on Goya for Odeon publishers, where he worked as an editor.


Lubomír Typlt has three brothers: Ladislav Typlt (1963), Pavel Typlt (1965) and Jaromír Typlt (1973).  Jaromír Typlt is a poet and a gallerist for the art movement Art Brut. Alongside his poetry he has also written monographs on the painter Zdeněk Košek (2001) and the sculptor Ladislav Zívr (2013).


Secondary Art School and drawing lessons with Boris Jirků

Lubomír Typlt attends secondary school at the Václav Hollar Art School in Prague, where he finishes in June 1993. From his third year on he attends drawing classes with Boris Jirků at the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague [UMPRUM].


At secondary school he meets Ondřej Anděra, a fellow pupil from the same year and later joins Ondřej Anděra´s band WWW.

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Taking up studies at Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design

Typlt begins his university studies at UMPRUM with Prof. Jiří Šalamoun, specialising in illustration. He finishes the school in May 1997. Amongst others he paints the paintings: Baterie / Battery, 1996; Mobilizace / Mobilisation, 1996 and Elektrárna / Power Station, 1996.


In his first year at UMPRUM he becomes a member of the band WWW. He plays trumpet and writes lyrics, initially together with Ondřej Anděra and then later on his own.


Besides he illustrates several books for Mladá fronta publishers.


Taking up studies with Prof. Jiří Načeradský at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Brno


Lubomír Typlt starts to study at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Brno with Prof. Jiří Načeradský, specialising in painting. Among others here he paints: Kočka zabalená v igelitu / Cat Wrapped in Plastic, 1997; Kočka s pytlem vody / Cat with a Bag of Water, 1997; Stoly / Tables, 1997 and the two-part painting Kára II / Handcart II, 1998.

He completes his studies in May 2001. For his final yearwork he submitts Velké stoly / Big Tables, 1999–2000; Židli pro Caspara Davida Friedricha / A Chair for Caspar David Friedrich, 2000 and Židli pro Caspara Davida Friedricha I / A Chair for Caspar David Friedrich I, 2000.


He becomes more and more interested in modern German painting and writes a study about the painter Lovis Corinth for the magazine Host.


The Municipial Cultural Centre in his hometown Nová Paka dedicated a solo exhibition to him. 


Studies with Prof. Markus Lüpertz at Kunstakademie Düsseldorf 


In October, the band WWW splits up. They reform in 2005 when his creative partnership with Ondřej Anděra comes to life again after writing the song Ve stínu lamp / In the Shadow of the Lamps


Lubomír Typlt begins to study at the Kunstakademie Düsseldorf as a guest student specialising in painting. He spends his first year with Prof. Markus Lüpertz. Here his paintings include: Dům / House, 1999; Dům I / House I, 1999; Kočka pozorujíci měsíc / Cat Watching the Moon, 1999; Červená kočka I / Red Cat I, 1999; Červená kočka II / Red Cat II, 1999, and Kolo / Bicycle, 1999.


Start of cooperation with the curator Petr Vaňous

While preparing for the Kunstakademie Düsseldorf he paints Fialová vodní elektrárna / Purple Hydroelectric Power Station, 2000, and creates the object Vodní elektrárna / Hydroelectric Power Station, 2000.


Lubomír Typlt has independent exhibitions in the Galerie mladých in Brno, in Hrádek in Kutná Hora and in the Galerie Aspekt in Brno, where among others he shows the following works: Kočka zabalená v igelitu / Cat Wrapped in Plastic, 1997; Kočka s pytlem vody / Cat with a Bag of Water, 1997; Stoly / Tables, 1997 and the two-part painting Kára II / Handcart II, 1998.


During the year he begins his joint work with the curator Petr Vaňous, who he had known since secondary school. Untill today Vaňous prepares many of Typlt’s independent and group exhibitions and has written about him many times.


Continuing studies at Kunstakademie Düsseldorf in the class of Prof. Gerhard Merz


Lubomír Typlt continues his studies in painting in Düsseldorf with Prof. Gerhard Merz, with whom he remains until June 2002. Steadily he experiments with half-transparent pigments. While with Merz he paints: Černé stoly / Black Tables, 2002; Mobilizace v makovém poli / Mobilisation in a Poppy Field, 2002; Mobilizace opus I / Mobilisation Opus I, 2002 and Bílé stoly / White Tables, 2002.


Exhibitions in Prague


From 31.5. to 24.6.2001 Lubomír Typlt has an independent exhibition at the Václav Špála Gallery in Prague. The name Obešel já polí pět / Five Fields Did I Walk Around was taken from Czech novelist Ladislav Klíma.


He starts his joint work with the Pecka Gallery in Prague, where in subsequent years several independent exhibitions are being organised.


Continuing studies at Kunstakademie Düsseldorf in the class of Prof. A. R. Penck


Lubomír Typlt continues his studies in painting in Düsseldorf with Prof. A. R. Penck, with whom he remains until May 2005.


He is awarded the Meisterschüler diploma in 2004 and receives the Akademiebrief on graduation in 2005. With Penck he paints: Kluk s konvemi / Boy with Watering Cans, 2002; Kluk s konvemi v makovém poli / Boy with Watering Cans in a Poppy Field, 2002; Kočka s kužely / Cat with Cones, 2002, K. s kočkou / K. with Cat, 2003 as well as Alchymista / Alchemist, Metafyzik / Metaphysician, St. Anger / St. Anger in 2004.

In 2002 he also begins working with Traders Pop Gallery in Maastricht, where his independent exhibitions take place in 2004 and 2009.


Collaboration with the curator Karel Srp


The curator Karel Srp invites him to participate in the Perfect Tense – Malba dnes / Perfect Tense – Painting Today  exhibition, which takes place in the Prague Castle Riding School from 19.12.2003 to 14.3.2004. 

Lubomir Typlt shows his works Bílá kočkana barelu / White Cat on a Barrel, 2000 and Oběšená kočka se dvěma barely / Hanged Cat with Two Barrels, 2003.


Years in Berlin


After completing his studies at the Kunstakademie Düsseldorf  from 2006 to 2009 Lubomír Typlt lives in Berlin. He has a studio in the district of Pankow.


Exhibitions in Prague & Berlin and unexpected success of the band WWW Neurobeat


In the Michael Schultz Gallery in Berlin the exhibition Das Recht auf Unreife / The Right to Immaturity by five students from the studio of A. R. Penck’s studio takes place. Lubomír Typlt exhibites the works Dva barely / Two Barrels, 2000; Pták na sudu / Bird on a Barrel, 2001 and Kolo / Bicycle, 1999.


In Galerie Ars in Brno Lubomír Typlt has an independent exhibition that follows on from his independent exhibition, Urychlovat nekonečno / Accelerate the Infinite, on the second floor of the Old Town Hall in the Prague City Gallery from 29.11.2005 to 12.2.2006. In both exhibitions he shows the paintings K. s kočkou / K. with Cat, 2003, Oběšená kočka s fialovou vodní elektrárnou / Hanged Cat with Purple Hydroelectric Power Station, 2004, Metafyzický obraz/ Metaphysical Picture, 2005 and Urychlovat nekonečno / Accelerate the Infinite, 2005.


The group WWW releases its album Neurobeat, for which Lubomír Typlt wrote most of the lyrics. Two videos are filmed for the songs Míč / Ball and Lexikon. They are directed by Jiří Málek and feature Ondřej Anděra, the singer from the group. 


Exhibitions with the curators Petr Vaňous and Edith Jeřábková


Petr Vaňous includes Lubomír Typlt in his collective exhibition Reseting. Jiné cesty k věcnosti Reseting. Different Paths to Materiality at Prague City Library´s gallery. He exhibits Lízači / Lickers, 2007; Kluci se šnekem / Boys with Snail, 2007 and Chlapec s kočkou / Young Boy with Cat, 2007. 

The curator Edith Jeřábková choses Lubomír Typlt´s work for the travelling exhibition Lovci lebek / Headhunters, initially in the Galerie Klenová in Klatovy, then continuing in the Šternberk Gallery, the Východočeská galerie in Pardubice and in the Kunst und Gewerbeverein in Regensburg. He shows the works: Cizí kluk / Foreign Boy, 2006; Cizinec / Foreigner, 2006 and Na čtverečkované podlaze / On the Chequered Floor, 2006.

Studio at David Černý´s Meet Factory 

Lubomír Typlt has a studio in Pragues Center For Contemporary Art Meet Factory. Here he creates a group of geometrical pictures such as: Metafyzický obraz II / Metaphysical Picture II, 2008; Terminály v noci / Terminals at Night, 2008 and Turbíny / Turbines, 2008.


Exhibitions in Prague and Brno and the band WWW´s second album


For a short time Lubomír Typlt has a studio in Filip Černý’s original studio on Lucemburská ulice [Luxembourg Street] and then in Prague-Vršovice. 


On 20.4.2009, WWW releases their album Tanec sekyr / Dance of the Axes, for which Lubomír Typlt wrote most of the lyrics. For their work WWW is awarded the prestigious Czech literary award Revolver Revue.


In Galerie Ars in Brno Lubomír Typlt has an independent exhibition called Tak se může smát jenom cizinec / Only a Foreigner Could Laugh Like That from 24.3. to 17.4.2009. The exhibition includes the paintings: Tak se může smát jenom cizinec / Only a Foreigner Could Laugh Like That, 2007; Smějící se cizinec / Laughing Foreigner, 2007 and Tour de France, 2007.


The Vernon City Gallery in Prague organises an exhibition Turbína v noci / Turbine at Night. It takes place from 28.7. – 27.9.2009 and includes the paintings: Med v medu / Honey in Honey, 2009; Turbína v noci / Turbine at Night and Metafyzický obraz / Metaphysical Painting II, both 2008.


Cooperation with Zdeněk Sklenář and new animations for WWW Neurobeat


In the Zdeněk Sklenář Gallery the exhibition Já Typlt, Ty Typlt / I Typlt, You, Typlt takes place from 7.5. to 25.5.2010. 


Between 2010 and 2011 David Vrbík produces 3D animations for songs by WWW based on the following themes in Typlt’s paintings: Tikající muž / Ticking Man and Anatomie / Anatomy (music Ondřej Anděra, lyrics Lubomír Typlt). 


Exhibitions in Prague & Brno and Markus Lüpertz visits the Czech Republic


An independent exhibition called Holky / Girls takes place at the Chodov fort in Prague from 17.9. to 4.11.2011. It includes the paintings: Bílé šatičky / White Frocks, 2011; Daleko neutečou / They Won’t Get Far, 2011; Žhářky / Arsonists, 2011, Neohlížej se / Don’t Look Back, 2011.

The exhibition
Kdo bydlí v srdečních komorách? / Who Lives in the Chambers of the Heart in the Regional Gallery in Liberec (14.4. – 12.6.2011) focused on a selection of works on paper. 


At the same time in the same gallery Markus Lüpertz (who was born in Liberec) had his first independent exhibition in the Czech Republic, and takes the opportunity to visit his native town.


*11.4.2011 Lubomír Typlt´s son František is born.


In the House of the Lord of Kunštát in Brno an independent exhibition with the name Mobilizace / Mobilisation takes place (22.4. – 5.6.2011). 


The exhibition Nepřišel jsem k Vám na zahradu pro kytky! / I didn’t come to your garden for flowers! is organised in the City Gallery in Beroun and takes place from 10.9. to 7.10.2011. 


Petr Vaňous includes Lubomír Typlt in the group exhibition Fundamenty & sedimenty. Vzpoura hraček 2011 / Foundations & Sediments. Rebelion of the Toys in the Prague City Library (Prague City Gallery, 2.2. – 1.5.2011). His paintings include: Terminály v noci / Terminals at Night, 2008 and Turbíny / Turbines, 2008. 


In the Zdeněk Sklenář Gallery the exhibition Markus Lüpertz, A. R. Penck a jejich student Lubomír Typlt / Markus Lüpertz, A. R. Penck and their Student Lubomír Typlt takes place from 1.6. to 30.7.2011. The German gallery owner Michael Werner contributes to the preparation and visits Prague.

"The Ticking Man“ at Prague City Gallery


Independent exhibitions Tikající muž / The Ticking Man (Prague City Library, Prague City Gallery, 6.6. – 9.9.2012), Daleko neutečou / They Won’t Get Far (Fait Gallery, Brno, 21.9. – 1.12.2012) and Žháři / Arsonists Opava House of Art, (9.11. – 30.12.2012). 


Lubomír Typlt participates in Smalt Art Vítkovice in Ostrava. Here he creates several enamel art works.

"Butterfly Effect?" “ at Gallery Rudolfinum in Prague


Petr Vaňous includes his work in the exhibition Motýlí efekt? / Butterfly Effect? in Prague´s Rudolfinum Gallery, Prague. It takes place from 8.1. to 10.3.2013. Lubomir Typlt showes his six-part picture Pláč / Crying from 2012. 

In the Poll Gallery, Berlin, the exhibition Düster ist die Nacht / Dark is the Night takes place from 27.4 to 8.6.2013. 


On 21st of May WWW releases the album and textbook Atomová včela / Atomic Bee, with all the lyrics written by Lubomír Typlt for the band. 





The "Great Council" is introduced in Brno


The Velké koncilium / Great Council exhibition (Ars Gallery, Brno, 16.4. – 16.5.2014) includes not just pictures of the same name, but also První vlna / First Wave, 2013 and Druha vlna / Second Wave, 2013. 


Lubomír Typlt has two paintings in the extensive exhibition dedicated to the work and legacy of Czech painter Bohumil Kubišta, Zářivý krystal / Radiant Crystal in the Winter of 2014 in the Ostrava Gallery of Fine Arts.


The exhibition A. R. Penck zum 19(75) Lubomír Typlt takes place at C & Kunterwegs Gallery in Berlin from 18.10. to 22.11.2014.

Joint Exhibition "Penck–Typlt“ in Prague


The exhibition Penck–Typlt in Topičův salon in Prague (3.3. – 27.3.2015) includes the paintings: Básnířky / Poetesses, 2014; Vichřice / Whirlwind, 2014; Velké koncilium / Great Council, 2013 and Druhá vlna / Second Wave, 2013.


The inaugural exhibition of the newly reconstructed Vyšehrad Gallery is called Kníraté odpoledne / The Moustached Afternoon and takes place from 6.3. to 12.4.2015. The exhibition includes the paintings: Kníraté odpoledne / Moustached Afternoon, 2014 and Radioaktivní těsto / Radioactive Dough, 2014. 

At the same time, the Gallery at the Bethlehem Chapel puts on an exhibition called Rezonance – Načeradský, Bolf, Typlt / Resonance – Načeradský, Bolf, Typlt devoted to works on paper (19.2. – 29.3.2015).


For the second time Lubomír Typlt is invited to take part in Smalt Art Vítkovice in Ostrava and creates several artworks made from enamel.

Publication of the monograph "The Ticking Man"

During November Typlt´s monograph entitled Tikající muž / The Ticking Man is published. The arthistorian and curator Karel Srp describes the development of Typlt´s works since 1996. Part of the monograph are also a large amount of reproductions of Typlt´s most important works.

Solo Exhibitions in Prague and Paris


From 9.6. to 6.8.2016 Typlt shows new works during the exhibition Mladí bozi / Young Gods at Galerie Zdeněk Sklenář.


Apart from that, he has two solo exhibitions in Paris. From 12.3.2016 to 30.4.2016 Gallery Oneiro shows a selection of new large-format paintings and tempera works. The exhibition is called Transition.  Shortly after the six-part picture Pláč / Cyring and a selection of tempera works are shown in the exhibition entitled The Ticking Man at the Center tchèque de Paris, the Czech Center in Paris. 

Exhibitions at the centre of Europe

From 24.2. to 30.4.2017 the representation of the city of Prague in Brussels, the Prague House, shows the exhibition Ticking Man with a selection of Typlt´s new and old works. 


At the DSC Gallery in Prague Typlt shows a new object called Red Convoy. It is made up of a total of 9 bicycles with umbrellas. In the context of the exhibition called 370 ° kruhu / 370 ° of the circle from 17.8 to 19.9.2017 Typlt shows a series of new large format paintings that are inspired by Red Convoy. Among them are Kolonizace I / Colonization I and Kolonizace II / Colonization II as well as the paintings of the series Kolo / Bicycle I - V


From 7.9.2017 to 4.10.2017 a follow-up exhibition with Typlt´s tempera works takes place at Betlemska kaple gallery. It is entitled Vizionáři / Visionaries.  A selection of termpera works is further on display at Galerie Prostor 228 in Liberec from 1.9 to 14.11.2017.



Major solo exhibitions in Jihlava and Prague


The Gallery of the Highlands Region in Jihlava is showing Typlt's solo exhibition Jedlíci kukuřice / The Corn Eaters from 25.1.2018 to 8.4.2018. Here, in addition to his new series Corn Eaters, Typlt is showing a selection of large-format paintings from the years around the publication of his monograph Tikající Muž / The Ticking Man. The curator of the exhibition, Ilona Staňková, also includes Typlt's textual work in the exhibition and shows text fragments partly in combination with paintings. At the opening of the exhibition, the band WWW Neurobeat plays and brings Typlt's expressive texts to life.


After a stopover at the newly opened Gallery Nola in Náchod and a group exhibition called DANCING PEOPLE ARE NEVER WRONG at The Chemistry Gallery in Prague, the same gallery represents Lubomír Typlt from 12.6.2018 to 17.6.2018 with a stand at the Scope Art Show in Basel, which takes place parallel to Art Basel.


Typlt shows the Prague public that you don't drown twice in the same river in the rooms of the Václav Spála Gallery from 29.6.2018 to 2.9.2018. Borrowing from Heraclitus' proverb "You don't get into the same river twice“, Typlt titles his solo exhibition on Prague's National Street after the new album of his band WWW Neurobeat : You don't drown in the same river twice. He shows new paintings such as Pod nebem nebe / Under the Sky Sky as well as a new way of painting in which he works with several layers of paint, such as in the painting Pacifisté / The Pacifists.


In parallel with the release of the new album by Typlt's band WWW Neurobeat, for which, as mentioned above, he is a lyricist, the exhibition Slunce v úplňku / Full Moon Sun will take place at Prague's DSC Gallery from 25 September 2018 to 10 October 2018. Typlt invites his artist friends Ivan Pinkava, Krištof Kintera, Adam Stěch and Miroslav Polách.


At the end of the year, Typlt shows another selection of new works both in the exhibition hall of the small East Bohemian town of Chrudim and in the Artikle Gallery in the Moravian metropolis of Brno.


Exhibitions in memory of Jiří Načeradský and A.R. Penck 

On 15 March, Typlt's second son Nikolas is born in Prague.

In May Typlt takes part in a group exhibition called Vrcholení - Nejvyšší polohy českého výtvarného umění / Culmination - Highlights of Czech Visual Art at the Zdeněk Sklenář Gallery in Prague.


It is followed by the Prague group exhibition ART SAFARI 34: MUŽI and a joint presentation by Lubomír Typlt and sculptor Richard Štipl at the Basel art fair VOLTA Basel.


Shortly afterwards, the dual exhibition Příčný řez / A Cross-Section of Jiří Načeradský and Lubomír Typlt opens. Typlt's intention with the exhibition, which runs from 13.6.2019 to 22.9.2019 at the Gallery of Modern Art in Hradec Králové, is to honour the legacy of his late professor at the Brno Academy of Art and role model of Czech painting Jiří Načeradský. It is curated by Petr Vaňous.


At the end of August Prague's The Chemistry Gallery welcomes invited guests to a summer soirée and private exhibition at the premises of Sotheby's International Realty Czech Republic in the centre of Prague.


In honour of Lubomír Typlt's deceased professor at the Düsseldorf Art Academy, the German painter A.R. Penck, two group exhibitions initiated by fellow students of the former Penck class of the Art Academy are held in autumn. They are entitled BLUE IS HOT AND RED IS COLD. The first of the two exhibitions is shown at Kultur Bahnhof Eller in Düsseldorf and the second, a presentation of works on paper, at Kunsthalle Düsseldorf.


A final highlight of 2019 is the group exhibition Die haben einen Vogel at Berlin's C&K Galerie. In this anniversary exhibition marking the 30th anniversary of Christiane Bühling-Schultz's gallery, Typlt shows the painting Violette Grenze.




International exhibitions behind the respiratory mask

At the beginning of the year, Lubomír Typlt and his former schoolmates from A.R. Penck’s painting studio exhibited their works on paper in Galerie Frank Schlag & Cie. in Essen.


Despite the Covid-19 pandemic expansion, the gallerist Christiane Brühling-Schultz opened Typlt’s solo exhibition Somnambul in her C&K Galerie in Berlin. The art historian Christoph Tannert contributed a text for the eponymous exhibition catalogue that was released by the German art book publisher Kerber Verlag.


During the pandemic, Typlt had a second big solo exhibition entitled Štěpení / Splitting at White & Weiss Contemporary Art Gallery in Bratislava.


Have you ever heard of a Dancing Pentagon?

Lubomír Typlt invited his German colleague Simone Haack as a guest to his exhibition I Am Multiplied and Divided and Constantly in the Red that took place at the DSC Gallery in Prague.


In the summer, Lubomír launched his largest solo exhibition to date, Tančící Pentagon / Dancing Pentagon, at Aleš South Bohemian Gallery in Hluboká nad Vltavou, displaying 65 paintings from more than 20 collections. The renowned British curator Jane Neal curated the exhibition. The gallery published an extensive catalogue for which Jane Neal wrote a multi-layered text about Lubomír’s works, his roots, and influences. In her text entitled Riddles and Retribution, she searches for the origin of Lubomír’s uncommon ideas and visual worlds.


In October, Lubomír Typlt became a father of a daughter Magdalena.


At the end of the year, Lubomír set out for a short trip to Frankfurt where the former students of A.R. Penck displayed their works in Galerie Lanchemann Art on the occasion of the publishing of the book Klasse A. R. Penck – Kunstakademie Düsseldorf, in which the students paid tribute to their deceased teacher A.R. Penck.


In December, Lubomír Typlt opened a ‘Christmas exhibition’ of temperas on paper at the U Betlémské kaple Gallery in Prague which was curated by Karel Srp. It was the first time that an extensive catalogue accompanied the exhibition that highlighted Lubomír’s works on paper for the last twenty years. The exhibition and the catalogue are entitled Vrstevnice křiku / Contour Line of Crying.



From the Czech province to Venice and back to Prague

The Czech Republic is not just Prague. There are splendid exhibition spaces and enthusiastic audiences in other corners of the republic as well, as was experienced by Lubomír Typlt when opening the exhibition V protisvětle / In the Backlight at Galerie Kaple in Valašské Meziříčí at the beginning of 2022. Subsequently, the exhibition Typlt was organised at the Slovak Museum in Uherské Hradiště.


The exhibition called Personal Structures, which was held as part of the Venice Biennale, was the highlight of the year. Lubomír Typlt displayed his two large-format works Revolution and Dancing Octagon at the international group exhibition at Palazzo Bembo.


Curated by Otto Urban, the group exhibition Nadějné vyhlídky, dítě v současném českém umění / Great Expectations, The Child in Contemporary Czech Art, in which the most famous contemporary Czech artists dealt with the inception of life, broke visitor records. Naturally, Lubomír Typlt could not be absent.


The exhibition Vnitřní krajiny / Inner Landscapes of the famous collector Pavel Brož, who displayed the crucial works of his collection at J&T Bank in Prague, meant a challenging close of the year. In addition to Lubomír’s art, Brož also collects the figural paintings of his colleagues: Adam Štech, Josef Bolf, Daniel Pitín, and Alexander Tinei.



All painting power ahead

Lubomír Typlt started the year with the opening of his exhibition THE HEAVENS HAVE CLOSED THEIR GRIP / SEVŘELI SE KLEŠTE OBLOHY at the GaP Gallery in Znojmo in South Bohemia. He is looking forward to his large summer exhibition Levitation / Levitace at Villa Pellé in Prague.

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